Membership registration

All sections * are required:

User ID:*
Email:* Confirm Email address
ZipCode: For news and weather features
Name: If you wish your name to appear(nickname or first name)

Get Access to your own calendar
Create and manage your own telephone directory, contacts list
Keep track of your tasks to do list
Keep your own diary
All with your free membership

Privacy Statement - Please read
Your membership information is kept in the strictest Confidentiality.
We will not share your information with any third party.
Your information is stored and used only to verify your access to your membership areas which require id/passwords.
The information is used to keep others from entering your calendar, tasks menu, diary, etc..
Cookies are used to store id/passwords on your computer so that you can travel from area to area without re-entering your id/password each time. Each of the programs will access the cookie stored and allow you to continue about your business. You can logout from any of the areas where your id/password are required. Please remember to logout.

Policy - llc may at time to time change alter or delete features on its websites. We may remove them in their entirety or simply change their appearance. We reserve the write to delete an individuals account for any reason we deem fit. We reserve the right to make changes and/or delete features without notification or warning. Users, by completing the form above agree to the terms and conditions set forth in this policy. Users agree to hold llc harmless for any loss of information due to our termination of any features, or for loss of any data due to any reason. These features are for entertainment purposes only and should be treated as such by the user.