To see examples click link.... All are for free
Bar Graphs
Create a Basic Bar Graph for free
2 Bar Multi-Graph for free
Stacked Bar Graph
3-D Bar Graph. 2 bar comparision only.
3-D Bar Graph. 3 bar comparision only.
3-D Bar Graph. 4 bar comparision only.
3-D Bar up to 17 bars. One value each bar.
Line Charts
Create a Basic Line Graph for free
Line Graph - More detailed and complex
Area/Line Graph - 2 line - 12 data points
Curve/Area/Line Graph Combo. 3 Lines Max.
3-D Line Graph - up to 6 lines

More Complicated Graphs and Charts. These have Mulit-functions in each one using the same data input.
Using the same data
Up to 6 items - 12 data entries each
Vertical Bar Graph - Up to 25 Bars.
Simply press button to change order
Compare 2 - line, bar, and area graph
Same data - all three graphs
Up to 31 data entries.
Good for daily entries

Multi-charting system
This is an advanced system for an experienced user. Takes some time to load but its worth it. This program moves, spins, changes types, colors, thicknesses, more and more.... llc does not assume any responsiblity for the use of these graphs, charts, or services. llc is not responsible for the accuracy of the graphs or charts. These services are solely for the convenience of the user and the user agrees to hold llc harmless for any damages the user incurs by using these services. If you choose to continue, you agree that you the user are entering the information into the chart or graph and that you are in control of your decisions as what to do with the results.

These charts and graphs are free to use. By using them you agree to use them at your own risk. Enjoy!